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President: Andrea Munoz-Hernandez, Ph.D., GISP. Mich. Dept. of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Vice President: vacant
Secretary: John Yellich, Michigan Geological Survey
Treasurer : Peter Rose Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Business Manager: Peter Rose, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Past President: Jennifer Trout, Michigan Geological Survey
Newsletter Editor: Arlene Anderson-Vincent, Blue Triton Brands
Webmaster: John Esch, Michigan Geological Survey
MBGS has monthly meetings typically on the 2nd Wednesday
of each month from September - May
Michigan Basin Geological Society will award two scholarships up to $500 each to students conducting graduate or undergraduate research in geology related to Michigan. The scholarships will be awarded at an upcoming MBGS meeting and the winner(s) will be notified In December. We hope recipients can attend a spring MBGS meeting to present their research topic. Candidates should complete and submit the MBGS scholarship application form by December 20, 2024 to John A. Yellich, MBGS Secretary, at jasty98@aol.com with subject Line: MBGS Scholarship 2024. Applications can be found on MBGS’s Scholarship Page
MBGS Publications ‐ There are two (2) new publications available! See details on the Publications page
MBGS On-line Store - Shop for shirts, hats, bags and other items. Check it out at: http://www.cafepress.com/mbgs
MBGS continues to strive to provide a platform for geologist and environmental professionals to connect and offer learning and field trip opportunities. For 2024-2025, our annual dues are $35. Student Membership is free. Email any one of our officers if you are a student and would like to be a member. We now offer the option to renew your professional membership via PayPal. Please refer to the renewal notices that are included in the newsletter. Student Membership is free.
Professional Membership Dues

Opportunity for Members: MBGS is seeking members who are interested in getting involved. We need a Vice President, Treasurer, and a Secretary for the 2024-2025 year. If you are interested in these opportunities, please reach out to any of the executive committee members.
Opportunity for Presenters: MBGS is seeking presenters for Michigan Basin geologically-related topics for our 2024-2025 membership meetings. If interested, please contact Andrea Muno-Hernandez at munozhernandeza@michigan.gov.
Michigan Basin Geological Society Geology - E.Z. Manos Memorial Student Scholarships
MBGS gives scholarships to Geology students conducting graduate and undergraduate geological research related to Michigan geology.
The Michigan Basin Geological Society will award two scholarships up to $500 each to students conducting graduate or undergraduate research in geology related to Michigan. The scholarships will be awarded at an upcoming MBGS meeting and the winner(s) will be notified In December. We hope recipients can attend a spring MBGS meeting to present their research topic.
Candidates should complete and submit the MBGS scholarship application form by December 20, 2023 to John A. Yellich, MBGS Secretary, at john.a.yellich@wmich.edu with subject Line: MBGS Scholarship 2023. Applications and more information can be found on MBGS’s website: www.mbgs.org
.."thanks for the MBGS $500 scholarship, this allowed me to collect and analyze 4 more samples which were critical to my thesis work..." past scholarship recipient

MBGS President – Jennifer Trout,
MBGS Scholarship Recipient –
2019 - Ayu Nurhidayati, Dr. Peter Voice

2014 MBGS Vice President – Luke Dewig,
MBGS Scholarship Recipient – Kyle J. Cox, MBGS
Treasurer – Thomas Hoane
MBGS ANNOUNCES THE 2021-2022 EZ MANOS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS MBGS is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 EZ MANOS scholarship recipients. Madeleline Tan an Undergrad Student from the University of Michigan, who is working on “Seismic Receiver function analysis of the Michigan Basin” and Mathew Bell a Graduate Student from Western Michigan University who is working on “Dam Failure – Hydrogeologic Consequences and Effects on the Tittabawassee and Tobacco Rivers and the groundwater systems in Southern Gladwin County, Michigan”. Abstracts from the winners are included in the newsletter. We look forward to hearing updates from the students on the projects at a future MBGS meeting. More information can be found on MBGS’s Scholarship Page
Past Scholarship Award Recipients
2022 - Madeleline Tan an Undergrad Student from the University of Michigan, who is working on "Seismic Receiver function analysis of the Michigan Basin” and Mathew Bell a Graduate Student from Western Michigan University who is working on “Dam Failure – Hydrogeologic Consequences and Effects on the Tittabawassee and Tobacco Rivers and the groundwater systems in Southern Gladwin County, Michigan".
2021 -PhD winner: Adedoyin S. Adeyiloa, Central Michigan University, $500 Title: Controls on organic matter abundance and its impact on gas generation, storage and transport in Biogenic Shale gas: Insight from the Devonian Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin and MS Graduate/Undergraduate winner: Sara G. Hayes, Western Michigan University, $500
Title: Mercury sequestration during the Silurian Period in the Michigan Basin.
2019 - Ayu Nurhidayati - Detailed hand and thin section assessment to establish a depositional model for the Amherstberg and Richfield Members of the Lucas formation in Southeast Michigan.
2018 - Hossein Sahour - Downscaling and prediction of GRACE satellite data to monitor changes in groundwater and surface water in the lower peninsula of Michigan.
2017 - Mohammed Al-Musawi -Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Facies Model of the Burnt Bluff Group, Michigan Basin, USA
$500 to Matthew Rine of Western Michigan University for his research regarding chronostratigraphic relationships of Niagaran and Lower Salina units.
$500 to Cassandra Javor of Michigan Technological University for her research regarding the study of the preservation of Arch Rock on Mackinac Island.
$1000 to Kyle J. Cox of Western Michigan University for his research regarding Anomalous Thermal Indicators from Authigenic Minerals in Upper Paleozoic Strata of the Michigan Basin
$1000 to Kirk A Wagenvelt of Western Michigan University for his research regarding Geologic Controls on Forced Thermal Maturation in the Paleozoic, Michigan Basin, USA
$500 to Matthew J. Rine of Western Michigan University for his research regarding Evaluating the Sequence Stratigraphic Relationships, Lithofacies and Petrophysical Properties of the Silurian (Niagaran) Reefs for the Purpose of Carbon Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Michigan Basin
$500 to Frank R. Sattler of Western Michigan University for his research regarding Lithologic Properties of the Upper Ordovician Utica Shale, Michigan Basin, USA: A Geological
Characterization and Resource assessment